graduation day…
Graduation Day has arrived!
This crazy busy graduation day begins with the Pinning Ceremony. The Auburn School of Nursing pinning ceremony is rich with tradition, the families arrive with great anticipation, and the hall is packed. The future RN’s process in and the fun begins!

Not a great picture… but a way cool pin!
Having no idea what to expect, we were thrilled as the pinning ceremony unfolded. As you might imagine pins were pinned, speeches were made, awards were given, and the ceremony ended with the entire cohort reciting the Nightingale Pledge. The ceremony in a word was AUsome!
Goodson Award
One of the awards given at the ceremony is the Robert and Marjorie Goodson “Nurse of Nurses” Award (see page 49). In a nutshell, the person who receives this award is selected, by the cohort, as the person they would want to be their nurse if they ever needed a nurse. Guess to whom the award was given?

Holy “Nurse of Nurses” Batman!
Emily worked hard during her entire time at Auburn, but never as hard as she did while in nursing school. Yes it is true, that the award was a surprise to us all, however, Emily continues to surprise us, exceed all our expectations. God has truly blessed us with an amazing, hard-working, loving, and giving young woman and for that we are truly GRATEFUL!
Next stop? Lunch at the Hound – YUM!
After a wonderful lunch it was a quick trip back to the house for the boys to get the beverages iced for the graduation day party and to get Emily cap and gown then to the Auburn Arena for commencement! After dropping her off I dashed back home, we all got back in the car, to once again return to the arena with the hopes of securing seating together for the graduation.
To be continued…