Inspiration from a variety of sources, encounters & goof ups!
Are you kidding me??? NOPE – I wouldn’t do that!!!
Being present in His world provides me with many opportunities for inspiration.
I have a delivery that I needed to make and unfortunately I neglected to indicate that I was going to pick it up… as a result the package was shipped. What in the world does this have to do with inspiration? Let me tell you, while at a meeting today I decided to not focus on my goof up but to engage with others and look for ways to be of service! In doing so I encountered a young woman who is struggling with life on life’s terms, a more mature woman who is struggling with letting go, another woman that I always thought had it all together – barely holding on, and a young woman who thought that she would never have a husband, children, a home to call her own… now celebrating receiving each of those gifts. Each of those women, in their own way and in their current situations, is a source of inspiration to me! They inspire me:
- To not sweat the small stuff, it will pass!!!
- To let go of that which does not honor Him or help me to serve others.
- No matter what – to HOLD ON to God – with Him all things are possible!
- To be thankful for the Grace He gives me daily & to celebrate the big and the little!
I have many blessings in my life, sometimes they are not clear and I actually need to look for them. I find that if I seek Him, I find many more blessings!
This afternoon I spent a few hours outside, enjoying His beautiful world. The trees gently swaying in the breeze, the sun shining through the trees, beautiful flowers budding, loads of pollen (yes I am even thankful for pollen), and even though we were both busy working on our different projects, I spent time with our daughter – and – any time I can spend with Em is a blessing!
While I was stressing before the meeting about the delivery, I got out of my fear (delivery not on time, incorrect items, etc.), enjoyed his blessings & lo’ and behold the delivery was made on time and everything was just as it needed to be! Amazing how when I get out of His way, He makes sure that everything is just as it should be.
Shrink me, grow God!
I love you, Karen!
I love you, too – Brian!!!
Amen to that!