talk about it tuesday…
Let’s talk about it Tuesday!
Ok so it has been a minute… or a few weeks since I have posted anything. However, it has been for a very good reasons. We are currently under construction in our basement. We are adding a suite for my sweet Momma, a bathroom & an official craft room for me!
What a great idea – right?
Well, first of all, thank you to my sweet husband and son-in-love! They had to lift and tote all the stuff/crafty things that have been accumulating in our basement (aka crafting cave) for 27+ years. It had to go somewhere else – ugh! Yep, all of the boxes of stuff we just can’t do without – and have not touched for years – the furniture, and storage tubs are now either in a storage unit or in the garage. My sweet husband eliminated a ton of non-essential stuff (he claims we threw out all of his stuff – but heaven forbid I throw out anything – insanity), and all of my important crafting stuff that could not go into the garage is now in the dining room…

current state of my crafting tools/paper/etc. and almost everything is not accessible until construction is completed!
As of today, we are at least a week behind schedule and most likely this week will be a bust due to inspectors and silly construction rule delays. Our construction team is fantastic & I will be ready to move into the new space as soon as they have it done!
When I do manage to find sometime to craft & create, I am confronted with this…

How can you not love a sweet face like that?
She is just the sweetest, however, her current location makes it difficult to get much work done. I guess our pup is my reminder to take a break and relax… it doesn’t always have to be about work – right?
I have created a few goodies: a luggage tag (SparkleBerry Ink), a Zentangle magnet (could be fish), and a Zentangle round tile. Earlier this summer I took a Zentangle Botanicals & Nature class at Impressive Ideas in Norcross and I really enjoyed the class, the art & the serenity Zentangle provides.
During my mini-break from creating…
I have continued to teach individual Silhouette lessons both in and around Atlanta as well as in the Athens area! It is so much fun when my awesome students have that look in their eye… you know the one… “hey – that makes sense – I understand!” That of course is the ultimate goal when teaching. I am really looking forward to having an official craft room so that I can begin to teach lessons in our home!

Our daughter & my momma!
Our daughter is 30+ weeks pregnant with our first grand child – a girl – and my momma is coming to officially live with us after the construction wraps up. These two beautiful women are MY WHY! They are the reason I continue to smile, continue to create, and hopefully inspire others to do likewise.
Until next time – Pax,